Q1 Do you sell to the public ?
Ausflora pacific does not sell direct to the public, we are a wholesale grower of plants and flowers specialising in the Protea, Leucadendron, Leucospermum(Pincushion protea) and Telopea(Waratah), to find a supplier of our plants see our Where to buy page.
Still can't find what your looking for please contact our sales team.
Q2 How do I prune my Protea ?
It is best to prune your Protea plant after flowering has finished, by removing all spent flowers and bent branches, with established plants the stem can be cut to leave about 10cm of stem remaining on the plant, with younger plants the stem should be cut to the first node.
Flowers can be picked during the season to use in floral arrangements this will also reduce amount of pruning required at the end of the season.
Pruning Protea plants will ensure abundance of flowers in the future and maintain the shape of the plant.
Q3 What type of Fertiliser should I use on my Protea, Leucadendron, Leucospermum, Waratah ?
Proteaceae plants require a low phosphorus fertiliser, such as one suitable for Australian Natives.
Q4 Are Proteas Australian Natives ?
A large amount of the plants in the Proteaceae family are Native to Australia and South Africa, The Genus Telopea more commonly known as Waratahs are Australian Native plant where as Protea, Leucadendron and Leucospermum are native to South Africa.
Q5 What size plants do you grow ?
Ausflora Pacific grows plants in 42mm tubes, 75mm tubes, 140mm pots, 200mm pots and 250mm pots.
Q6 Can Protea plants be grown in pots ?
Many Proteaceae plants are medium to large shrubs, however some are suitable to be grown in pots, some varieties that are good in pots are; Protea White Crown PBR, Protea Pink Crown, Leucadendron Bella's Buttons, Leucadendron Devils Blush, Leucadendron Jack Harre, Leucadendron Misty Sunrise, Leucadendron Yellow Countess, Leucospermum Tiara, Leucospermum Moonlight, Leucospermum Goldie
Q7 What type of potting mix should I use for Proteaceae plants ?
An Australian native potting mix is recommended if growing your Protea in a pot.
Q8 What does PBR mean ?
PBR means that a plant is protected by Plants Breeders Rights,
Our varieties that are protected by PBR are Protea White Crown, Protea Grandicolor & Gembrook Waratah
Q9 What should the ph of my soil be for growing Proteaceae plants ?
Generally Proteaceae plants require an acidic soil (ph below 7), we generally recommend a ph of 5.5 - 6.5 for variteties grown at Ausflora Pacific
Q10 What time of year do Proteas flower ?
Different varieties of Proteaceae plants flower at different times of year, Leucospermum plants generally flower in late Spring and Summer, Some Protea varieties such as King Protea flower in Summer and others such as Protea Pink Ice flower in Autumn and Winter, Waratahs flower in Spring and Leucadendrons have their optimum colour from Late Summer to Late Spring depending on species.
To find out flower availabiliy of our main lines visit our flowers page.
Q 9 Where can I buy your plants ?
We are a wholesale nursery and have minimum order quantities, if you wish to purchase wholesale please contact our sales team for further information.
To buy our plants retail see our Where to buy our plants page.
Q 10 Are Proteas and Leucadendrons Frost Tolerant ?
Most of the varieties in the Ausflora Pacific Nursery are frost tolerant for frosts ranging 0°C to - 5°C
The Varieties in our range that we deem intolerant to frost are Leucadendron Christmas Cone, Leucandendron Gandogerii and Leucadendron Safari Gold Strike
Q 11 Do you supply plants to Tasmania, Western Australia, South Australia, Queensland ?
Yes , Ausflora Pacific are Accredited to supply Protea plants Australia wide and can ship to Tasmania, Western Australia (W.A.), South Australia (S.A.), Australian Capital Territory (ACT), Queensland (QLD), New South Wales (NSW) and Victoria (VIC)
We are a wholesale protea plant nursery, to purchase our stock from a retailer please see our Where to Buy page for stockists
Q12 How big do Protea plants grow ?
Protea Plants range from small to large shrubs, The smallest Protea plant we grow at Ausflora Pacifc is Protea White Crown PBR which only grows to 45cm high, However many of the common Protea plants like Protea Pink Ice and Protea Lancelot can grow to 3m however the size can be maintained if the plant is pruned regularly